
Monday, July 28, 2008

I never thought...

I never thought, in fact I even proclaimed that I would never start blogging. But now I find that I need a way to release the thoughts in my mind. So I'm so glad that I have an auto outlet to let my thoughts come alive on paper. So sorry dear bloggers for the previous somewhat prejudice of blogging, I have come over and joined the club. Now to be one to keep up with the blogging will and might be difficult.

Well first lets start with introductions: We are I guess still considered newly weds, however, we just celebrated our one year anniversary. I am so blessed to be married to an amazing and wonderful man who loves the Lord. We are in the midst of a very big transition, we are in the process of looking for our first house. We have had a few bumps in the road and have been left with a sour taste in our mouths over the way some of the sellers are handling the selling of houses. Please pray that God will show us which house will be right for us. Our prayer is that God will put us in the neighborhood that we will be most effective. I feel like I'm officially hunting for something and God has told me to "Slow my roll" and wait on Him. It is so hard to want something so bad and know that it is not the right time for that want. I really felt convicted yesterday about a house situation and I realized I have no right to be angry with people for the decisions they make for their families. I was angry because I felt like we got used as leverage for specific homeowners to get more money from another contracting party. God completely put a stop to that and made me realize that I am nobody special. How can I be angry when I'm going to be blessed with something that many people can not even afford. How selfish are we as humans to think so much of ourselves when in reality we are receiving and blessing that only others could dream of. Thank you Jesus for wonderful lessons that need to slap me in the face...

This weekend has been a crazy ride. One of our dearest friends Ansley got married. She looked beautiful and I was so happy for her. Congradulations Ans... we wish you many blessings. Plus it was a great day to visity old friends who we hadn't seen in such a long time. Next up on the wedding train is Amy and Landry's extravagaza in Marble Falls and we can't be more excited for them.

1 comment:

Meg said...

YEA you're blogging! I'm Sooo excited and I just can't hide it!